SWEB meeting in Belgrade

SWEB meeting in Belgrade

sveb11Belgrade, October 2012. Eminent adult education experts from Serbia, representatives of Serbian Ministries of Education and Science from Serbia, several important institutions and organizations, and the Swiss national Umbrella Organisation for Adult Education (SWEB) hold the kick-off meeting in Belgrade, organized by Adult Education Society with and dvv international. During two working days, from 15th to 16 th October 2012, the experts were focusing on defining framework for further cooperation that would enable the transfer of knowledge in terms of accreditation and certification in adult education. Swiss model of licensing trainers/teachers/instructors in adult education could be the adequate form for establishing the system of licensing of trainer/teacher/instructor in Serbia. In 1992 together with its members and partners SWEB started to develop the Swiss Train the Trainer System. Nowadays, the Swiss model of accreditation and certification is broadly recognized for its quality. Action plan for the implementation of SWEB certification in Serbia in 2013 was a successful product of the two-day takls and discussion.